Creating cash with content is a very interesting concept. You basically create useful content that others can benefit from, publish it to the web, promote your site in any way possible, and begin earning cash from Google Ads and/or affiliate marketing. At least that is the general concept behind it. Whether or not you will actually generate any income through regularly updated content depends on a number of factors.
If cash is what you're seeking, the content you provide on your website must be extremely interesting or should help your visitor answer a question, solve a problem, or learn something new. You want to keep fresh interesting content on your website to keep your visitors coming back for more again and again. Also, if you're content is really intriguing people will help promote your website by word of mouth, which is the best kind of marketing.
One way to earn money is by displaying advertisements on your website. You can sign up for Google's adsense program for free, providing that you have a website or blog with content on it. Make sure that you have at least a few pages of content or a few posts in your blog before applying for the adsense program. Google actually checks your site for content, and if you don't have any or have very little, they will reject your application into the adsense program.
Another way to make money with a content based business is with affiliate programs. With affiliate programs you promote other peoples products and get paid a commission when sales are made. Most affiliate programs are free to join and can be found easily by conducting a search in your favorite search engine. You should join affiliate programs that offer products and/or services that are related to your site. Your visitors will be more likely to click on ads that are relevant to the information they are on your site looking for in the first place.
There are other streams of income that can be created with a highly sought after, content-rich website. For example, selling ad space or writing sponsored blog posts is also said to be a major bread winner on the world wide web. Since I have no experience with either of those two things yet, I won't be getting into them today. Once I've written a few sponsored posts and sell some advertising space on one of my websites I'll post about my experiences.
Take Care,
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Just wanna say hi :),
You've got so many blogs, but this one seems to be the one kept up-to-date.
I'm also trying to monetize my blog, but having difficulty writing a specific content.
cheers :)
Hi Henry, thanks for reading Affiliate Outlook.
You're right I have TOO many blogs! I have to go through them and delete the ones that I'm not going to continue....
When I first started creating blogger blogs I kinda went haywire and started trying to register as many blogspot addresses as I could.
I thought I'd have time for them all! Big mistake... Just keeping up with this one is time consuming enough...
I'm also working on creating a website for affiliate outlook and will be looking for a couple guest editors....
If you'd like to contribute any articles for the website, let me know...
You'll be able to place affiliate links and/or banners in articles that you submit as well as any other two ad spots on the website that you'd like.
Take Care & Keep in touch
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