Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Making Money with Joe Bucks & Organics

Surfing through the internet last night looking for new affiliate programs to join, I came across and interesting program from JoeBucks.com.

They offer a 50% revenue share program plus 5% of all referred webmasters & have over 50 different health and beauty websites that you can promote!

Another great thing about the Joe Bucks affiliate program is that they track all phone and mail order sales in addition to your online sales. They also claim to never take anything from your earnings for product returns.

Here is the JoeBucks Commission Schedule.

50% Commission Per Sale
50% Commission on all Re-Orders
5% Commission on Referred Webmaster Sales
Biweekly Payments on the 1st and 16th
No Minimums

I think the JoeBucks affiliate program is going to be a serious money earner! Their sites look very clean and professional and I love the fact that they have 1-800 numbers in the header of all their websites.

Allowing customers to order by dialing a 1-800 number is just wonderful. It opens so many doors as far as how you sell the products. Just put your imagination to work for a while and I'm sure that you can come up with a few good ideas on how to successfully market and sell JoeBucks affiliate products.

For more information on the Joebucks affiliate program, click here.

Take Care,


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh... how is an 800 number a good thing for affiliates? That means lots of lost sales unless you can actually get people to verbally give your referral code over the phone. Seems unlikely.