Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Making Money with Joe Bucks & Organics

Surfing through the internet last night looking for new affiliate programs to join, I came across and interesting program from JoeBucks.com.

They offer a 50% revenue share program plus 5% of all referred webmasters & have over 50 different health and beauty websites that you can promote!

Another great thing about the Joe Bucks affiliate program is that they track all phone and mail order sales in addition to your online sales. They also claim to never take anything from your earnings for product returns.

Here is the JoeBucks Commission Schedule.

50% Commission Per Sale
50% Commission on all Re-Orders
5% Commission on Referred Webmaster Sales
Biweekly Payments on the 1st and 16th
No Minimums

I think the JoeBucks affiliate program is going to be a serious money earner! Their sites look very clean and professional and I love the fact that they have 1-800 numbers in the header of all their websites.

Allowing customers to order by dialing a 1-800 number is just wonderful. It opens so many doors as far as how you sell the products. Just put your imagination to work for a while and I'm sure that you can come up with a few good ideas on how to successfully market and sell JoeBucks affiliate products.

For more information on the Joebucks affiliate program, click here.

Take Care,


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Looking for Worry Free Hosting? I've been with eVerity for a little over a year now and have yet to file a complaint. If you'd like to preview one of my sites that is currently being hosted by eVerity, click here.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Make Money with the IMC Affiliate Program

The IMC affiliate program has the potential to earn you lot's of money. They are a rather large, privately-owned marketing firm with offices in the U.S. and Canada.

Established in 1996 by Corey Rudl, the Internet Marketing Centers' claim to fame is in providing innovative, expert Internet marketing techniques to small and medium sized businesses.

With their extensive affiliate program they have been able to reach over 200,000 valued clients and business partners worldwide. IMC's gross annual revenues are reported to exceed $19 million, and they now have over 100 employees.

What started out as a one man operation spearheaded by Internet marketing Guru and legend Corey Rudl, is now a multi-million dollar business which feeds over a hundred employees and their families.

You now have the opportunity to join the IMC team and earn money alongside Derek Gehl (IMC's current standing CEO) and his team of successful internet marketers. The IMC affiliate program is free to join and you can start promoting their products immediately.

After joining the IMC affiliate program, you will be able to earn money by promoting any one of their great information or software products. Below is a list of all the products you will have access to.

Information Products

Software ProductsIt shouldn't be too hard to monetize your website with all of these products at your fingertips, especially if you run a web marketing or consulting business. - To learn more about the IMC Affiliate Program, visit them here.

To visit the Corey Rudl Memorial Page click here.

Take Care,


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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Zlio Shop Earnings - month #1

It's been a while since I've written anything about my zlio shop, so I figured I'd post a zlio shop report. I set my shop up about a month ago and so far it has earned me 0.28 cents from adsense clicks and I had two people sign up as sub-affiliates, or as zlio refers to them referees. I also had two people link to my shop.

I think that this affiliate program is one that will most likely yield nice results in a few months from now... who knows.. maybe even years.. After all, they do offer lifetime commissions on all of your sales and your referrals sales up to two levels deep.

I'm currently working on building up a nice amount of sub affiliates in order to make a serious attempt at earning money with zlio and their "5 minute shops".. Even though I've only earned 0.28 cents so far, I strongly believe that it's possible to earn a lot of money with Zlio.

I will post a Zlio Shop Update as soon as it's necessary... Stay tuned to this blog as I embark on my money earning journey with affiliate programs and online marketing. Don't forget to subscribe to my feed to receive new posts either by email or in your RSS feed reader.

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Secret - Motivational Video

I found this video while surfing through YouTube... It was inspirational and soothing to watch so I decided to share it with you. Enjoy!

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Looking for Worry Free Hosting? I've been with eVerity for a little over a year now and have yet to file a complaint. If you'd like to preview one of my sites that is currently being hosted by eVerity, click here.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Friend Finder Affiliate Progress

A couple months ago I wrote a blog post about the Adult Friend Finder affiliate program. It's a program that I had signed up for a while back and hadn't seen much success from.

Well here we are about two months later and still not much success from the program. I guess I only have myself to blame for it, as I haven't really made it a point to promote the program heavily yet. As a matter of fact, that blog post was the last time that I ever wrote about adult friend finder... haven't even mentioned it since.

I still don't doubt the earning potential that their program has. I mean c'mon they've got over 20 different dating sites that you can promote and the payout options are great, especially when compared to a lot of the other affiliate programs available on the web today.

If you haven't already, make sure to check out the adult friend finder affiliate program so that you can see for yourself all the great online dating websites that they have to offer.

Here is a list of just some of the websites that you will be able to promote once you join the adult friend finder affiliate program:

I plan on promoting the adult friend finder program pretty hard over the next few months, I'll be checking back in with another Friend Finder Affiliate Progress post as soon as I see a substantial increase in earnings.

Take Care,


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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I Can't Earn Money Online?

Since I've been blogging, I've had quite a few people tell me that I'm wasting my time, that if I use Adsense as a source of income I'm really just working for Google for peanuts, that earning money online was only for big corporations with huge budgets, and all sorts of other discouraging things.

It's like everywhere you turn there's someone there to tell you that you can't do what you're trying to do. It could be anybody, I've even read entire articles on blogs that were dedicated to discouraging others from blogging or running a website as a means of earning money.

The way I look at it is like this... Either you've made money on the web or you haven't. If you have, you most certainly wouldn't be telling me that I can't earn money online, and if you haven't... well, you get the picture.

About the whole Adsense thing, OK, so Google doesn't disclose the actual revenue generated per click... So what! It's still an opportunity to earn money that us webmasters and bloggers would not have available to us otherwise. So you should be grateful for the Adsense program. Instead of spending your time and energy bashing adsense, you should write a thank you email to google. Besides, using adsense is optional... no ones grabbing your mouse.

The next time someone tries to discourage you from earning money online, ask them why they feel that way. Ask them if they've ever earned any money online before. When they tell you that they haven't (which they most likely will) then you tell them to beat it! and continue writing your article.

Take Care & Happy Blogging,


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Monday, October 8, 2007

Can I earn a full-time income on the internet?

This must be the most asked question of our times... and the answer is..... I don't know. I haven't achieved that level of success on the internet yet, so I couldn't answer that honestly. What I can tell you is that there are people earning full time incomes with web based businesses right now. In fact, there are web based businesses that pay hundreds and thousands of peoples full time salaries.

Just take a look at Richard Rosenblatt, it's reported that he sold MySpace to Rupert Murdoch for upwards of $500 million. Then you got Ashley Qualls and her $70K a month WhateverLife.com, which is a free MySpace layouts website . Just take a look around the web and I'm sure you'll find many other profitable websites as well. There's Facebook, eBay, Squidoo, and a slew of others.

OK, I still want to know: Can I Make Money on the Web?

It depends on a number of different factors, but the key ingredients lie within your plan. You will need to have a plan that outlines exactly how you will go about earning money. Your plan should be highly detailed and should include topics like: How much time you will invest working on your business, how you will spend your time (down to the minute), how you will handle creative differences amongst your team, and how you will go about growing the business financially.

A lot of people want to make money on the web but have no idea where to start. First things first, you have to make a plan. If you start without a plan it's very likely that you wont get far with your internet business. Don't buy into the misconception that you can become a millionaire overnight with no work or effort on your end, as this is simply not true. You should be prepared to write niche-specific articles, and should also take the time to learn about SEO, social networking, and using video-sharing sites to promote your business. That's just to get started, there are so many other things to learn about when it comes to online marketing, but I think what I mentioned above is enough to get you off to a nice start.

What is Your Plan to Earn Money?

You must have some sort of strategic plan for earning money online. Whether it's building heavily visited sites so that you can earn money from advertising, building members only websites with super valuable - high demand information, adult websites, or selling your own product. Whether your products are digital or physical is totally up to you. Online business, just like brick and mortar businesses, require hard work and dedication for them to become successful. So be prepared to work for your money, even if it only is during the start-up phase.

Once you've figured out how you are planning to make money online, you need to plot out the exact techniques that you will use to actually make money. What I mean is... if you are planning on building high traffic sites to earn advertising dollars off of, what will you do to get that traffic over to your sites? Will you upload videos to YouTube every day/week/month? Will you keep a daily blog? In other words you need to set tasks and set a schedule for accomplishing those tasks.

Creative Differences

Something else that I think is super important is to have a formula for dealing with any disagreements or creative differences within your team. You will not be able to predict every single scenario, but preparing for the most likely to arise is a smart move. I believe it's a smart move to have a plan in place at the beginning because it will save you time later on down the line.

For example, you might run into a situation where you and your business partners all have different visions for the new color scheme of your site re-design. If you have, lets say, a voting system in place for situations like this you will be able to resolve the problem rather quickly. As opposed to taking two or three more meetings to finally decide on the new color scheme. Be creative, perhaps you and your team want to sit down and think of all the possible scenarios that might arise and create a resolution plan for them.

Financial Growth

The last thing I want to cover in this post is financial growth. How will you go about growing your company / business financially? You must have a savings plan in effect if you plan on growing your business. I know a couple of people who are in business for themselves, but that do not have savings accounts. They earn money and spend it all, without even putting 5% towards savings. These same people are the ones I hear complaining all the time about bills, late charges, and over-drafts. Just because you can afford to drive an Aston Martin right now, doesn't necessarily mean that you should go out and buy one.

If your company earns $5000 a month, you should not be spending $5000 a month. Out of every job that you finish, you should make it a point to save some money. Imagine if you only saved $2000 a month for the next two years. At the end of those two years your company would be worth just about $50,000. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why religiously saving a portion of your income is a brilliant idea. To make a long story short... invest some time into creating a savings plan, you'll thank yourself later and kick yourself if you don't.

Take Care,


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Friday, October 5, 2007

Creating Cash with Content

Creating cash with content is a very interesting concept. You basically create useful content that others can benefit from, publish it to the web, promote your site in any way possible, and begin earning cash from Google Ads and/or affiliate marketing. At least that is the general concept behind it. Whether or not you will actually generate any income through regularly updated content depends on a number of factors.

If cash is what you're seeking, the content you provide on your website must be extremely interesting or should help your visitor answer a question, solve a problem, or learn something new. You want to keep fresh interesting content on your website to keep your visitors coming back for more again and again. Also, if you're content is really intriguing people will help promote your website by word of mouth, which is the best kind of marketing.

One way to earn money is by displaying advertisements on your website. You can sign up for Google's adsense program for free, providing that you have a website or blog with content on it. Make sure that you have at least a few pages of content or a few posts in your blog before applying for the adsense program. Google actually checks your site for content, and if you don't have any or have very little, they will reject your application into the adsense program.

Another way to make money with a content based business is with affiliate programs. With affiliate programs you promote other peoples products and get paid a commission when sales are made. Most affiliate programs are free to join and can be found easily by conducting a search in your favorite search engine. You should join affiliate programs that offer products and/or services that are related to your site. Your visitors will be more likely to click on ads that are relevant to the information they are on your site looking for in the first place.

There are other streams of income that can be created with a highly sought after, content-rich website. For example, selling ad space or writing sponsored blog posts is also said to be a major bread winner on the world wide web. Since I have no experience with either of those two things yet, I won't be getting into them today. Once I've written a few sponsored posts and sell some advertising space on one of my websites I'll post about my experiences.

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Thursday, October 4, 2007

Is there really money in domain parking?

That's what I would like to know... I've read plenty articles on various sites around the web that talk wonders about domain parking. There's stories of lazy domainers earning millions of dollars by doing nothing more than simply parking their domains with keyword targeted ads on them.

Earlier today I was thinking "hey, you've got some domains that you're not using right now!" so I decided to sign up with sedo and park them. The thought of parking domains for cash had never really crossed my mind until a couple days ago when I was reading through my Google reader feeds. I came across an article about using parked domains to make money, and that's when it occured to me that right now is the perfect time for me to try this out.

I've been buying domains for about two years now. I'm working on like 30 websites and the rest of my domains are just sitting there not doing anything productive for me. That is why I chose to do it, sedo allows you to park your domains for free and they pay you a percentage of the generated ad revenue. There are other domain parking services available, just search for domain parking or earning money with parked domains on google.

I hope to be earning money with parked domains soon. I'll give it a try for a few months and see how it goes.

In my search for domain parking information, I stumbled upon whypark.com. Whypark.com offers a service that is very similar to domain parking. Only they claim that their method is much more profitable and have some pretty strong points to illustrate why. Click here to learn more about whypark.com.

Will I make a lot of money parking domains? Who knows. I'll monitor the clicks and payouts in my admin panel for a couple of months and switch to another domain parking service provider if the percentage per click isn't convincing enough. I figure I might as well try to earn a few bucks while the domains aren't being used.

Well there you have it. My initial thoughts and dealings with domain parking. If you've had any experience with parking domains feel free to leave comments, tips, and suggestions!

Take Care,


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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Truth About Getting Started With Affiliate Marketing - Guest Editorial

Joe Stewart says it how it is in his article: The Truth About Getting Started With Affiliate Marketing. You definitely don't want to miss what he has to say, especially if you yourself are looking to break into the exciting world of affiliate marketing.

And without further a due, here is the article:

Author: Joe Stewart

Are you interested in making money in the affiliate marketing arena? There are a lot of reasons why people are excited about doing this, money, independence, prestige, saying goodbye to their j.o.b.(stands for "just over broke) once and for all, but there are probably a lot of questions that you'd like to have answered before you "jump right in", am I right? You're probably wondering things like "is affiliate marketing for real"? Is it easy to do, I mean, do I have to be super smart? Do I have to have a lot of detailed knowledge? Are people really making money? And probably about a thousand other questions too. Let's start small and get through these first few, fair enough?

#1. Is affiliate marketing for real? - Yes, affiliate marketing is for real. Many merchants online and off have seen the value of affiliate marketing and have made huge sums of money off of the efforts of their affiliates. By leveraging the efforts of affiliates, many of whom have huge mailing lists of their own, companies don't have to worry about paying as much for advertising. They simply pay out a commission and watch the sales roll in.

#2. Is it easy to do, I mean, do I have to be super smart? - Nothing worthwhile is ever "easy", however, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to be an affiliate. Start out with things that you already know a lot about and you'll soon be on the right track.

#3. See #2.

#4. Are people really making money? - Yes, although it takes a special kind of person to become what's known as a "super affiliate". Most super affiliates earn six figures annually and some earn seven figures and more. Some "mere mortals" still earn enough to ditch the day job. It depends on a lot of things like the niche you choose, your work habits, etc.

The best advice I can give you is to find someone that's doing what you want to do and start learning everything you can about them and what they do. Don't be afraid to spend a few bucks on your education either. Nothing in life is free and with the constant changes of the internet your education will never end so get used to it. Now roll up your sleeves and get to work!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/business-articles/the-truth-about-getting-started-with-affiliate-marketing-224177.html

About the Author:

Stop! Before You Start Out In Affiliate Marketing You MUST Read This FREE Report Called "Top 10 Affiliate Mistakes". Go Right Now to MakeAffiliateCash.com Or Simply Click On Affiliate Marketing. Joe Stewart Is A Full Time Affiliate Marketer That Makes His Living Online.

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Looking for Worry Free Hosting? I've been with eVerity for a little over a year now and have yet to file a complaint. If you'd like to preview one of my sites that is currently being hosted by eVerity, click here.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Content Management Systems

Using a Content Management System to run your site is a great way to simplify the process of maintaining fresh content online. There are all sorts of CMS's available; you've got your commercial software that comes with either a one-time fee or an annual licensing fee, then you got your Open Source or free software.

If you're new to the world of CMS's, you'd probably be better off starting out with an open source solution. I recommend that you start off with open source software for two reasons, 1) It's Free, and 2) You'll get some hands on experience before shelling out a month's salary!

The first CMS I downloaded was PHP-Nuke v7.8. Once I was done reading all the readme files and such, I followed the simple instructions and had it installed and configured on my server in no time. I was dumbfounded by all the functionalities that came with the software by default. You've gotta keep in mind that up until that point I was creating my websites page by page in good ol' HTML using Dreamweaver.

It was just amazing to me how I could put my content into a form, click submit.... and voila! New content appeared on my website!

Not too long after I'd began using PHP-Nuke, I abandoned it. I kept reading about the lack of security and all of the sites that had been hacked while using php-nuke. That, my friends, made me very uneasy.... and that is why I chose to discontinue using it. I never actually launched a site while using php-nuke v7.8, instead I spent my time learning as much as I could about the software.

I made the decision to move on to Nuke Evolution, a CMS that uses PHP-Nuke v7.6 (The last known secure version of the original PHP-Nuke CMS). I learned about Nuke Evolution while test driving another CMS on OpenSourceCMS.com. I was actually reading comments that other users had left when I came across one comment in particular that caught my attention. It read something like: "for a much more secure and stable version of PHP-Nuke, check out Nuke-Evolution......"

Being that I just had a recent experience with PHP-Nuke & already knew how the CMS worked, I decided to give Nuke Evolution a try and the rest is history.... I have one site running live on Nuke Evo and a couple more on the way.

I've installed and configured a couple of other Open Source CMS's just to mess around with em and check their features out. Out of the CMS's that I've installed, the ones that I like most are Textpattern, Joomla, and Mambo.

One good thing about content management systems is that you can easily change the way your site looks by changing the theme or template. If you're a do it yourself kind of person you can even customize or create your own.

Most CMS's available today allow you to upload more than one template. This is a great feature because you can just let your users decide which theme they like your site best in.

If you want to see an example of what I'm talking about, go to Nuke-Evolution.com and click on the ACCOUNT tab. Then click on SELECT THEME and pick Centrium Shellz as your theme, click SAVE CHANGES and voila! You should be looking at a new theme. (You will need to register with them before you're able to change the theme, registration is free)

And that's just the tip of the iceberg... There is a lot more to content management systems than what I covered today in this post. To learn more about content management systems visit any of the sites that I mentioned above or conduct a google search on "Content Management Systems" or "Open Source CMS".

If you'd like to test drive a few open source cms's, visit OpenSourceCMS. Look in the left column under CMS DEMO MENU.

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Need a Hosting Solution that'll support your Nuke-Evo CMS? eVerity provides high quality, affordable web hosting. Check them out today if you're in the market for a new host, you will not be disappointed. Here's one of my sites that is currently hosted on an eVerity server, click here to visit.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Keeping up with Your Traffic Building Techniques

Make a to-do list today!Keeping up with all the forums, blogs, social-networking sites, video sharing sites, bookmarking sites, etc... can feel down-right impossible at times. There are so many different sites that you can use to help get visitors over to your blog that it can be extremely difficult to keep up with them after you've joined a few.

To make things easier, you should set up a schedule for all of the things you will be doing to help promote your site. After you have your schedule set up, you should create and print out a daily task-list. It'll be a lot easier for you to manage all of your postings when you have a checklist to reference.

Your task-list should consist of daily tasks, a specified time alloted for each task, and it's also a good idea to leave a slot open for notes.

The first couple of days or weeks(depending on how you work), will be your testing period. Make sure to take good notes during this time as it will determine how you'll revise your task-list in the future. For example, a task that you thought would only take you an hour to complete might actually take you two hours. In this case you would change your schedule and task-list to allow the proper amount of time for that particular activity.

It was hell when I first started this blog. I just started blogging without a plan. My feeds weren't burned, I didn't have analytics set-up, I had no method of organizing my affiliate links, I had absolutely nothing in order. I began looking for information about analytics for blogs, burning rss feeds, & blog widgets on search engines. The more reading I did, the more I learned about how to properly set up a blog.

Anyhow, back to traffic building techniques & keeping up with them. Even if you have a schedule, you may find it difficult to keep up with it. That's the main problem most people face when working from home. When you work from home you're on your own. I haven't mastered the technique yet, but, a good method to use is to act as if your blog/site is a part time job. Set your schedule, allow time for a break so that you can check in with the rest of the world, and then work hard at keeping up with your schedule.

One of the most difficult hurdles I had to jump when I first started to blog was the feeling of never being done. I would spend countless hours online looking for topics to research, posting on forums, & leaving comments on blogs. Here's something to keep in mind - everything can't be done in one day. If you can devote a certain amount of time to different areas of your web business daily, then you're on to a good start.

There's only so many hours in the day, so you have to decide what is priority and what can get done tomorrow.

The Aspiring Affiliate,


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Looking for Worry Free Hosting? I've been with eVerity for a little over a year now and have yet to file a complaint. If you'd like to preview one of my sites that is currently being hosted by eVerity, click here.