Friday, September 28, 2007

Don't get Discouraged, Follow Your Dreams

It can be pretty hard explaining affiliate marketing to someone who has no clue of what you're talking about. Even after explaining it thoroughly and giving them real world examples they always seem to just stand there scratching their heads.

"How ya gonna earn any money just typing into a computer all day long?"

Is what they usually ask... Over and over and over again!

I don't even try explaining it anymore, now I just tell everybody that I build websites. I once tried explaining the concept of an online content business to a friend of mine and he just couldn't get it... He said that the idea of an online content business sounded like a waste of time, and that I should invest my time and efforts into something more constructive.

Those words made me start doing some thinking. I began thinking to myself, what if he's right..what if I am just really wasting my time? what if affiliate marketing & this online advertising stuff is really just a waste of my time?

I thought about it for a while but I didn't let it possess me. I look at it like this, some people are mechanics and some aren't. The same can apply to anything, including affiliate marketing. Everyone can't do everything, that's what makes this such an interesting world to live in..

The moral of the story is... Follow your dreams. If you have a passion for something, pursue it. Don't let anything or anybody discourage you.

Have a Great Weekend,


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