Tuesday, September 25, 2007

You Can't Have an Online Shop with Zlio in just 5 minutes

Claim your Free Zlio Shop Today!A couple weeks ago I wrote a post titled: Create a Money-Earning Online Shop in just 5 minutes. Having just found out about Zlio, I guess you can say I was a tad bit over excited. I had just finished the initial setting up of my Zlio Shop when I decided to write a post about them.

Looking back at that post, I feel that I may have steered a couple people in the wrong direction. Perhaps even into believing that you could actually have a fully functional, money-earning, hassle free, auto pilot business set up in just 5 minutes.

That is definitely not the case and I just wanted to clear things up for anybody out there reading this blog. While I do see a potential for earning a decent amount of money utilizing free zlio shops, I know that it will not happen in 5 minutes. Please do not let anyone else out there tell you otherwise.

I guess the reason for me titling my previous post about Zlio: Create a Money-Earning Online Shop in just 5 minutes, was due to the fact that I had just discovered them and was super excited about their features, I was especially thrilled about being able to integrate adsense with my zlio shop as I had just recently been approved for the program.

Don't get discouraged, you can have an online zlio shop in 5 minutes. You just wont have any products in it..And no one will know about it.. What a way to celebrate a Grand Opening, eh!! But no, seriously. I hope you understand the point that I'm trying to get across here, If you want to take (earning money with zlio shops) seriously, then you will have to carry your fair share of the workload.

Take Care,


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Balaji Sundararajan said...

Hi Antonio,

Thanks for the post. I am curious to know your thoughts on the company I am with, Bravisa, which recently introduced the concept of personal online retailing.

Bravisa is similar to other "online store" programs in the sense that you get free personal online stores and can populate this with products from Bravisa’s catalog, set your own price markups, and get tools/widgets to promote your store. Bravisa differs from traditional online stores in that it treats you like a retailer: you get wholesale prices, have complete control over product content and prices, can track sales accurately since purchases take place in your store, and get to “own” the customer.

Please let me know what you think about Bravisa. I'll be glad to answer any questions you may have. www.bravisa.com


Antonio Cruz said...

Hi Balaji,

First of all, thank you for reading my blog, I truly appreciate it and look forward to seeing more of your comments on my posts.

I took some time to register with Bravisa earlier.

Here's my thoughts after spending about 20 minutes reviewing the program.

I like the simplicity of the registration process; very short and to the point. The fact that you can set your own markup percentage is also a very attractive feature.

During the process of creating my bstore I was asked to check which product categories I would like to include in my online shop. I only clicked one category, but when I previewed my shop I noticed that other categories were also included.

I had to dig pretty deep to find out how to remove a product from my shop, as it isn't posted clearly anywhere. When I finally did find out how to remove products, I discovered that you have to remove them one by one.

I think it would be pretty helpful to Bravisa shop owners if there was a feature that allowed you to remove an entire category, instead of having to do it one by one. Also, the link to remove an item should be blatant. Instead of having the user click on a category under the All Products header and then guess at what they should do next, you could add the text "add - edit - remove" next to or under the All Products header.

Remember, this review is based solely on the 20 minutes that I spent checking out the Bravisa shop owner admin panel, so I might have missed a few things... feel free to correct me if I have said anything that is untrue or that you do not agree with.

Again, thanks for reading AffiliateOutlook.com


Balaji Sundararajan said...

Hi Antonio,

Thanks for taking a look at Bravisa. We will work on improvements in our shop management features, such simplifying product deletion and removing entire product categories. I will let you know as soon as we roll out these changes. Re. multiple categories in your shop, some products in the category you selected also belong to other categories. This is the reason why these other categories appear in your shop. In future, this will be less of an issue as you will be able to create your own custom categories.

On a separate note, I realize you couldn’t create your Zlio shop in 5 minutes. I am curious to know if you can create a Bravisa shop and place your shop widgets in your blog in 5 minutes. I welcome your feedback on this.

Let me know if you have any more suggestions for products and features on Bravisa. Good luck with your money making adventure.