Thursday, August 16, 2007

Finding Your Niche.

Sometimes the whole process of finding something interesting to write about can become a dreaded chore. You can waste hundreds of hours clicking from one site to the next trying to spark some creative flames upstairs and still end up with nothing. The reason behind this is that what is interesting to you, might not be so interesting to others.

Here's a couple of things you can do to find interesting topics to write about.

You could study the people around you. Study their online habits, what type of sites do they frequent? Do they mention any sites in particular? If they do, what is their overall tone when they are speaking of those websites?

Time permitting, try a few subjects at once. You can then study your site analytics and make a firm decision on which topics to keep and which topics get cut.

Browse various forums and read through a good amount of posts. By reading through a wide variety of discussion forums, you'll be able to gain knowledge on what is accepted and what gets rejected. It wont always be so clear, you'll have strong opinions on both sides of the fence sometimes, but you should still be able to make an informed decision when it comes time to choose your blog topics.

Google Trends is a great tool for comparing search results information for certain words/phrases.

Google's Hot Trends is another great tool that, according to their About Google Trends page, actually "reflects what people are searching for on Google today" and is updated hourly.

These are only a few of the methods that I use to find things that are generally interesting on the web at any given time.

I've been trying a few new methods, things such as:

- viewing certain popular sites site maps.
- Using Social Networking Websites.
- Going to the Movies.
- And more!!

I'll write about these things after I spend more time actually doing them, as I have just started using these methods.

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