There is a strong misconception, primarily amongst those that are new to the internet, that the key to affiliate marketing and making money online is to simply put up a few web pages and embed some affiliate links. Perhaps this method worked in the early days of affiliate marketing, but with today's over saturation of the market it's a whole new ball game.
Before you start seeing any kind of affiliate earnings you will have to make it a habit to constantly review your marketing strategy. If you don't have a marketing strategy, then you need to stop what you're doing and put one together. The key to making money online isn't out of your reach, but it isn't exactly a cake walk either.
To put it simply, making money online with affiliate programs is a numbers game. There are billions of people around the globe who, just like you, have also heard about the wonders of affiliate marketing and are after the same thing you're after, highly targeted traffic.
People aren't going to visit your website just because it's live. The competition is fierce, to say the least. If you want traffic, you're going to have to work for it. You will need a marketing strategy.
What Happened to All the People on the Web?
To get people interested in your website, you have to grab their attention by giving them something useful.
So what is
something useful you might ask.
That depends on your specific niche and your target market. If you run an entertainment website you might have success by offering free ring-tones or mp3's, if you run an online consulting business you'd probably be better off giving away an ebook that describes your services and why all online marketers need them.
Providing valuable content on a regular basis is only one small part of the overall process. To keep the traffic flowing to your pages you need to invest some time into creating a marketing strategy.
marketing strategy will be your master plan. Here's a list of some things you might include in it:
- Who you will target
- How you will reach your target audience
- When you will begin your marketing campaign
- Follow up procedures
I'll leave it at that for the sake of saving some time. Of course, you would need to get more detailed on exactly who your target market is, different tactics and venues you will use to advertise to your target market, etc...
Make a plan and stick with it.
Once you've got your marketing strategy all worked out you will need to devise a strategic plan for implementing it. You basically need to set up a series of tactics or actions that are geared towards meeting your marketing strategy's objective.
For example, one way to boost your company's web visibility is by uploading custom videos to YouTube. You need to set a schedule specifying how often videos should be uploaded, the approx length of the videos, target topics, logo placement, and whatever else you can think of... the more detailed your schedule, the better.
You should repeat the above schedule setting process for every item in your marketing strategy. Perhaps you included
forum posting,
blogging, and
social networking in your marketing strategy. You can imagine how quickly it can become a real headache for you to keep up with all of these activities. Keeping all of your activities scheduled will help you keep your sanity, and will allow you to make better decisions when it comes time to revise your marketing strategy.
Now for the fun part,
Stick With Your Plan! This is where many people fail, especially when working from home. It's your schedule and your ship. You are the captain of your own destiny (as
they often say). There will be no boss to babysit you, no corporate time tracking system to determine whether or not you took an hour or an hour and 57 minutes for lunch. If you are serious about affiliate marketing you will need to treat it like a business. After all, that's really what it is. It's all up to you my friend, you can spend 7 to 8 hours of your life every day watching "cool" videos on YouTube, or you can spend 45 minutes creating a video and 5 minutes uploading it to YouTube. The tools are there, you decide how you want to use them.
Love, Pe@ce, & The pursuit of
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